Was Roommates With a Victoria’s Secret Model — She Kept Disgusting Things in Her Room

A TikTok influencer, Taylor Paré, recently revealed a decade-long secret about a past “nightmare roommate.” Notably, this roommate was a well-known Victoria’s Secret model. The video, garnering a staggering 9.2 million views, captures Paré’s side of the story during her time living in New York City with the unnamed model. The internet has now dubbed the scandal as “PoopGate.”

“When I first moved to New York, I lived with a Victoria’s Secret model who had a secret, and I kept it for 10 years, but let’s get into it,” starts her story Paré. The story commences with the model enjoying a luxurious lifestyle, mingling with prominent figures in the fashion industry like photographer Steven Meisel and supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Paré provides a detailed account of the peculiar behavior, highlighting the roommate’s tendency to outdo others and fabricate stories about her life. In her video, Paré openly shares, “Right off the bat, the vibes were off. She loved to one-up people. She was also younger than everyone. So I thought maybe it was just an insecurity thing.”

She went on to reveal that the unidentified model was entangled in numerous falsehoods concerning her childhood, work and social status.

So, Paré decided to keep some distance from her roommate, and things got even worse. Little by little, Paré began realizing that her things were disappearing in the apartment — T-shirts, skincare products, makeup, and even prescription medication. At first, she thought she might be imagining things, but her other roommates assured her that they, too, had noticed similar disappearances.

One day, the model walked into the apartment after attending some big party during fashion week. “And she was wearing the shirt I was wearing two days prior,” Paré recounts. “And I knew it was my shirt because it still had my orange makeup at the top and that wasn’t her shade, and also it’s a really unique shirt,” the TikToker explaines.

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