Tom Hanks Spoke Out Against Body-Shaming Directed at His Wife’s “Flabby” Body

In a world where the glitz and glamour of Hollywood often overshadow the essence of real, enduring love, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson stand as a beacon of unwavering devotion. Their journey together spans over three decades, a testament to a bond that defies the fleeting allure of fame and superficial standards of beauty. When voices of criticism targeted Rita for her body weight, Tom didn’t just stand by her; he became her most vocal advocate, celebrating her beauty in every form.

Their love story began amidst the shared laughter and camaraderie on the set of “Bosom Buddies” in 1981, blossoming into romance during the filming of “Volunteers.” Their union in 1988, following Hanks’ divorce, wasn’t just the start of a marital journey; it was the foundation of a partnership built on mutual growth, respect, and an intimate connection that both recognized would require effort and change from each of them.

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