Meet the 2-Week-Old Baby Who’s Already Potty-Trained: How One Family Used Elimination Communication

Despite still using diapers as a safety net, the couple finds they seldom need them. They’ve noticed tons of perks with EC, like saving money, reducing waste, and fostering a deeper bond and communication with Blue. They also feel it’s boosting her independence and confidence.

Montana and Tom have shared their top tips for other parents curious about EC, such as opting for easy-to-remove baby clothes, having a portable potty handy, and giving it a try even when you’re not 100% sure your baby needs to go. They suggest summer as the perfect season to start, making it easier to manage.

Responses to their EC adventure range from enthusiastic endorsements to skepticism and concern. Some parents are intrigued and ready to try EC with their little ones, impressed by the couple’s positive experience and Blue’s happiness and security. Others share their success stories, like a baby trained to signal when they needed the bathroom with a hand gesture, and another who was out of diapers by 16 months thanks to EC.

Montana and Tom appreciate the wide range of reactions, emphasizing they’re not trying to push EC on anyone but simply sharing what’s worked wonders for them. They’re keen on exchanging tips and insights with other parents, always looking to up their parenting game.

And just when you thought baby milestones couldn’t get any more astonishing, imagine a world where a 3-day-old newborn isn’t just attempting to crawl but is also trying to lift their head and starting to chat! The early days of childhood are truly full of surprises and endless potential.

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