A Woman Refuses to Shave or Shower Because It Is a «Waste of Time»

In the vast, buzzing world of TikTok, Cherry, known to her followers as Hairy Cherry, has carved out a niche that challenges conventional beauty standards. With a following that spans over 10,000 across social media, she’s not just another face in the crowd; she’s a bold voice advocating for the acceptance of natural bodies, hair and all. Cherry’s candidness doesn’t stop at body hair; she’s stirred the pot by questioning the daily rituals of shaving and showering, deeming them unnecessary time sinks.

Cherry’s recent content features her lip-syncing to a voiceover that labels these acts as “Absolute waste of time, so boring!” Her posts, peppered with humor, question the almost religious adherence to daily grooming routines. “Who has all the time for an everything shower every day?” she jests, nudging her audience to think about water conservation and to celebrate their natural state.

Her openness has inevitably invited curiosity, with viewers probing into her hygiene practices given her embrace of body hair.

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